Anna and the French Kiss

Deniz Tezcan

Deniz Tezcan

· 1 min read

In Anna and the French Kiss, Anna gets sent to an American school in Paris. She then meets Etienne St. Clair who she befriends and their story begins.

However there is one problem, her has a girlfriend. I really enjoyed this book from the characters and the general story. There was elements of Paris that I found brought lots of character into the story.

The one thing I didn't like was how many unnecessary plot points there are. From her relationship with her family and friends back home and also past relationships of hers, I didn't think they added anything to the characters or the plot.

There was multiple struggles that the characters faced and I believe if there was only one of them, it would have been a much stronger and nicer novel. Overall, I still enjoyed it a lot and gave it a 4/5.

I am excited to continue on and read the other books in this series.

Deniz Tezcan

About Deniz Tezcan

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